New York City
James Williamson

New York is simply eye-candy
I've always loved New York City, but going there during the holidays is really something special. I had a teaching gig midway between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I packed the camera to catch all the Big Apple in all her Christmas best. If you're interested in checking out New York, be sure to plan some events out first.
I recommend Rockefeller Center, a carriage ride in Central Park, or touring Ellis Island. Be sure to check out when peak tourism time you know when to avoid certain spots. My favorite way of finding great shots is just to wander around. People that are so bent on getting "that shot" often miss out on the small things that make a cityscape so engaging. Often my best photographs are the ones that focus on the out of the way places or ordinary objects one passes by every day.

At night it explodes in color
If you're looking for a real treat around Christmas-time, head over to Rockefeller Center. Yes, I know it's cliche and filled with tourists, but there is a reason the spot's so popular. Radio City Music Hall lights up with color and glamour, and the ice-rink is a people-watcher's dream. Be sure to hit Top-of-the-Rock, the observation deck atop Rockefeller Center. First-time visitor's note; Bring your tripod! It's windy up there and it's impossible to get good night shots without it.
One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years. — Thomas Wolfe
Getting off the beaten path can be fun, but be warned, wandering about late at night by yourself isn't safe in almost any city. I've never felt threatened in New York, even around 1 or 2 in the morning, but I'm also making sure to stay to the main streets and busy intersections. New York really is the city that doesn't sleep, so you should be fine walking around later at night there than most big cities. It's also fairly easy to find an open coffee shop around 2 in the morning too, perfect if you need to warm up on the way back to the hotel.
Be prepared to spend money
Don't forget that things in New York are almost twice as expensive as elsewhere. You might not want to carry a lot of extra cash on you, but be prepared to swipe your card at every opportunity. One thing that is surprisingly cheap is public transit. I recommend buying a Metro card with about $40 on it. It should last you the better part of a week and get you anywhere you need to go.
Christmas in Little Italy
Be sure to take some time to go down Mulberry Street and tour Little Italy. While nice in the daytime, it really shines at night, with streetlights stretched across the street, restaurants decorated with bright lights and festive greenery.
Grab a cappuccino and stroll down the street, Little Italy is a true live/work ethnic community with a specific identity. Street vendors make strolling through the community a joy and add variety to the landscape.